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Can You Have Acrylic Nails On During Surgery

Can You Wear Acrylic Nails During Surgery?

The Impact of Acrylic Nails on Surgical Procedures

The presence of acrylic nails during surgery can significantly impact the accuracy of pulse oximetry readings, a crucial method for monitoring oxygen levels. Acrylic nails create a barrier that interferes with the proper measurement of oxygen saturation, leading to potential complications.

Hospital Policies on Acrylic Nails

To ensure patient safety, most hospitals require the removal of acrylic nails before surgery. Typically, patients are asked to remove at least two nails on each hand to allow for proper placement of the pulse oximeter probe.

Additional Precautions: Jewelry Removal

In addition to acrylic nails, all jewelry, including nose, lip, and belly button rings, must be removed before surgery. These accessories can also interfere with medical devices and increase the risk of infection.

Conclusion: Prioritizing Patient Well-being

While acrylic nails may enhance personal style, they are not suitable for surgical settings. The hospital staff's primary objective is to ensure the safety and well-being of patients. Therefore, it is strongly advised to remove acrylic nails before any surgical procedure.
